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Various vendor payment activities are administered by the Accounts Payable, Purchasing & Travel, and Treasury Services departments.

Accounts Payable

  • Creates payments for purchase orders by comparing them to vendor invoices and receiving documentation where required to assure delivered products and services are billed as ordered
  • Processes department-approved Fast Track, non-contract, petty cash reimbursement, and freight payment requests with supporting documentation
  • Prepares paper check and electronic payment to vendors according to negotiated terms
  • Creates Positive Pay files for bank use
  • Assists Treasury Services in disbursing paper checks via mail
  • Resolves vendor payment disputes
  • Tracks and reports to vendors and the IRS form 1099MISC qualified payments
  • Images financial documentation

John Leatherwood, Director
Office: B-279 ASB
Phone: 801-422-7785

Nancy Wilson
Office: B-280 ASB
Phone: 801-422-6220

For Additional Information
Office: B-280 ASB
Phone: 801-422-3845

Purchasing & Travel

  • Administers the Y-Marketplace catalog buying site where authorized campus department users may purchase from approved catalog vendors at preferred, negotiated prices. Electronic payments for such purchases are on central university payment cards and charged to campus departments through Accounts Payable
  • Administers the university electronic purchase requisition system accessed through Y-Marketplace where campus departments receive purchasing assistance in locating goods and services from non-catalogue vendors. Payments for such purchases are made through central university payment cards or traditional invoices matched to an authorized purchase order and charged to campus departments through Accounts Payable
  • Authorizes Purchasing Cards for qualifying campus departments
  • Administers the Chrome River system which provides travel authorization and expense reimbursement, and Purchasing Card and Campus Card transaction recording. Pays airfare for authorized travel

Paul Buckner, Managing Director
Office: C-173 ASB
Phone: (801) 422-7313
Purchasing Fax: (801) 422-0608

For Additional Information
Office: C-40 ASB
Phone: (801) 422-3471

Treasury Services

  • Issues Gift Cards to requesting campus departments; no gift cards should be purchased at vendors
  • Authorizes the creation of accounts to disburse payments from petty cash and research cash funds
  • Authorizes necessary Travel Cash Advances which have been requested for group travel through the Travel Authorization process within Chrome River
  • Approves Campus Cards that allow department purchases at campus locations
  • Approves the establishment Agency Accounts for department “Sunshine Funds” to facilitate employees in gathering personal funds to make gifts to individuals
  • Facilitates Foreign Payments through wire transfer payments
  • Facilitates Wire Transfer payments requested through the Fast Track system

David Paul, University Treasurer
Office: A-153 ASB
Phone: 801-422-4887

For Additional Information
Office: A-153 ASB
Email: treasuryservices@byu