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Time Management

Time Management Responsibilities

Many key people participate in managing and monitoring employee labor costs at BYU. These include employees, their supervisors, Y-Time timekeeping system managers, college and division controllers and those responsible to manage operating unit costs.

Employees are responsible to record their work time accurately and fulfill the responsibilities of their job assignment


Assure employees fulfill duties

Y-Time Managers

Monitor student hours limitations and staff overtime

Approve time in Employee Time Approval system

Document employee approval for corrections to original time recordation

Resolve supervisor concerns noted in Employee Time Approval system

Controllers monitor the employee time approval process to assure approval and resolution of problems occurs in a timely manner

Operating Unit Managers/Contacts review financial reports for reasonableness, including labor costs

Staff and Student Employees are responsible to access the Y-Time timekeeping system via designated Y-Time clocks (mounted in key locations throughout campus), the myBYU Y-Time portlet, or through Y-Time in the BYU mobile app to accurately record their actual time worked.

Supervisors direct the day-to-day work activities of employees and assure that proper work product is obtained. Supervisors may be faculty, administrative, staff or student employees. They help assure that employees within their stewardship comply with immigration and wage and hour laws by maintaining awareness of the hours worked during the week. While it is not expected that supervisors will have a precise knowledge of the daily start and stop times of individual employees, they are expected to have a good familiarity with employees’ work activities. All staff and student time is approved by the employees’ supervisors. Through the Employee Time Approval system, supervisors are provided a bi-weekly summary showing hours worked by day and approve those hours. When problems are noted, supervisors describe those concerns so that Y-Time Managers can help resolve the concern.

Y-Time Timekeeping System Managers perform a vital function in administering time recorded by assigned staff and student employees. Y-Time Managers closely monitor compliance with University work-week policies regarding time for non-resident alien student employees and for resident student and staff employees. Y-Time Managers assist supervisors in resolving concerns noted through the Employee Time Approval process. They also maintain documentation for corrections to recorded time.

Adjustments to Time--Where exceptions have been made by employees, Y-Time Managers adjust recorded time and justify changes (e.g. via comments on the time sheet, email from employee. etc.). Documentation is to be retained by the Y-Time Manager for the current and six prior calendar years. Where Y-Time Managers feel it is warranted, they may also have the supervisor or operating unit manager/contact approve the supporting documentation.

Controllers monitor the status of supervisor approvals within the Employee Time Approval system and encourage supervisors and Y-Time Managers to fulfill the responsibilities outlined above.

Operating Unit Managers/Contacts are typically faculty or administrative personnel and are responsible for the financial costs associated with their assigned operating units. They should be familiar with the nature of the work being performed and evaluate the reasonableness of payroll costs for individual employees recorded to the operating unit.

Questions related to the Y-Time timekeeping system may be directed to the Payroll Office, 422-8186.


Payroll Office


Time Management