Post Charges To Student Accounts Skip to main content

Post Charges To Student Accounts

Occasionally, departments will need to post charges to a student's account. This page outlines the required steps.

Setting Up Department Charges

  1. Department requests an Item Type for a student account charge.
  2. If required - the department is referred to the Academic VP office to get approval for the charge.
  3. Once approval is granted, the department is given the Item Type Request form to fill out:
    • Description of charge
    • Department name
    • Account number to credit when student is charged
  4. Department returns form to

If a department has requested a class fee, fees are charged to all students enrolled in a specific class automatically through the tuition calculation.

If a department has requested a charge that is student specific, items are posted through the departmental batch upload form. Instructions for this form are found in the Excel file itself.


Student Account Specialist
Jake Henderson


Item Type Request