Sale of Equipment to Current and Retiring Employees
Unneeded university equipment is to be disposed according to the Surplus Property Policy
Occasionally a faculty member leaving BYU to work at another institution may take research equipment paid for with federal funds, to continue the research at the other institution.
Many of the software licenses for the university apply only to active employees. When approved to be sold to or transferred with the employee, university software must be removed from all access devices, including cell phones, tablets, etc. by department CSRs.
Approval Process
Approval to purchase university equipment is required from the Administration Vice President and the Academic Vice President. Deans and directors may recommend approval, but they are not authorized to approve these requests (see exception below). Employees should complete the Authorization For Faculty To Purchase Or Transfer Equipment
As noted on the “Authorization For Faculty To Purchase Or Transfer Equipment” form, please contact the individuals below to determine the fair market value of the equipment to be sold.
- All access devices, tablets, etc. – Ben Jenkins, OIT, 801-422-4386,
- Cell phones – Garlan McCoy, Purchasing and Travel, 801-422-4702,
- All other equipment – Todd Mortensen, Purchasing and Travel, 801-422-7004,
Cell Phones and Tablet Computers
When an employee terminates or retires and has a university owned cell phone, or tablet device, a dean or director is authorized to approve the device purchase (without VP approval) using the Authorization For Faculty To Purchase Or Transfer Equipment