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Peoplesoft information (not current)

Chrome River PAYMENTS

The Chrome River system provides payments for the following items directly to an employees’ or student’s bank account:

  • Travel expense reimbursements
  • Employee reimbursements - A purchasing card or department purchasing card should primarily be used when purchasing items in behalf of the university. Reimbursements should only be sought due to unusual circumstances. Please note such circumstances on the employee reimbursement expense report.
  • Travel advances – Generally only available when acting as a travel group leader or for extended travel.

Chrome River payments for the travel costs of university guests or non-employed students are made by Accounts Payable check.

The direct deposit bank account used by Chrome River is set by default as the My Financial Center direct deposit bank account. You can review the bank account you have set up by following these steps:

  • BYU homepage,
  • Log in to MyBYU
  • Under the Work Section, select Direct Deposit
  • Review the bank account assignment for My Financial Center - Refunds. Adjustments can be made by selecting Add/Update Bank Accounts and follow the system instructions.