Vendor Payment FAQs Skip to main content
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Vendor Payment FAQs

Answers to questions regarding payments to vendors:

  • Once Purchasing has set up a purchase order that corresponds with a purchase requisition, goods or services will be paid when the following conditions are met:

    • The items purchased must be received. Purchase Order instructions direct all goods to be sent to central receiving. Central Receiving is responsible for verifying the shipment and will enter the receiving information into the system. Items received by departments will not be paid for until the department contacts Central Receiving.
    • The Accounts Payable Department (B-280 ASB) must receive a copy of the invoice (Submit Invoice Here). If the vendor sends the invoice to the department by mistake, please send it to Accounts Payable ASAP! Once the invoice is entered against a PO that has been received, the system will automatically remit the payment when the terms on the PO expire.
  • In 3-5 business days after the FastTrack is finalized.

    When the breadcrumb tracker indicates the FT has been finalized, all FTs go into a 2-Day Review period beginning on the next business day. An ACH payment will go out on the next business day after the Review period. A Check payment will go out the next Monday or Thursday after the Review period.

  • Once you've set up a Purchase Order in Marketplace, please upload a PDF of the invoice here.

    For FastTrack payments, please upload the invoice documents directly on the FastTrack page.

  • Accounts Payable prints checks on Monday and Thursday. Checks are printed in the morning and mailed in the afternoon.

    Exceptions for 2024

    The following dates will be skipped. All payments scheduled for these dates will be printed on the next Check Printing day.

    • January 15
    • February 19
    • May 27
    • July 4
    • September 2
    • November 28
    • December 26
  • Checks are no longer being held for pick up. If you feel you have a situation that warrants an exception, please email If a department wants to pick up an item directly from the vendor and the vendor insists on receiving the check at the time of pick up (the preferable way to do this would be to use your Purchasing Card), the person from the department, who is picking up the check, must receive authorization to pick up the check and take it to the vendor (receptionist desk, A-153 ASB). In order to do this on a purchase order, arrangements have to be made with purchasing for a prepayment.

  • In many cases a University Purchasing Card may be used in place of Fast Tracks for more convenient and efficient purchase of products. Fast Tracks may be used to purchase material goods under $3500.00. If a Purchasing Card is not used, purchases exceeding this amount need to be initiated using a Fast Track. A Fast Track may be used when negotiating purchases with off campus suppliers for the following types of items:

    • Conference registration fees (include travel application number if applicable)
    • Subscription fees
    • Dues and memberships
    • Advertising (except for radio and Utah/Salt Lake County newspapers)
    • Orders for published pamphlets and articles
    • Livestock, grain, and hay
    • Works of Art (Fine Arts College use only)
    • On-site repairs of office equipment

    When requesting payment using a Fast Track form:

    • Complete all information on the form
    • All transactions require approval of at least two department-authorized people who have knowledge of the transaction and approve its execution.
    • If the payment is travel related (e.g. conference registration), please be sure to include the Travel Application number for the trip
    • Documentation such as invoices, receipts, registration forms, needs to be obtained and attached to the form.

    In special circumstances when access to this documentation is limited, a typed inter-office memo will be accepted. In the case of student award payments, a memo may be the best form of documentation but needs to contain the following criteria:

    • Reason for giving the award
    • A detailed explanation of the contest/event the student participated in.
    • Selection criteria used in determining winner or recipient
    • Who was eligible to participate
    • Award amounts
    • Listing of award recipients' names and social security numbers
    • Any additional information that would be pertinent to a Financial Services employee being able to determine what exactly we are paying and why

    All reimbursement requests to individuals are required to have attached receipts for all expenditures as documentation.

    • Any documentation that is smaller than half a page should be neatly taped to a full sheet of paper. Multiple receipts can be taped to a single sheet
    • Department keeps the pink copy of the form for their records
    • White and yellow copies should then be sent on to Accounts Payable for payment

    The research accounting office must review all Fast Tracks, 1099 independent contractor forms, or any other payment request forms that are charged to Rxxxxxxx operating units (Research projects).

    Frequent problems with Fast Tracks include:

    • Missing Travel Application number (when travel related)
    • Missing proper documentation for purchase
    • Tax amount is added into total and not applied to the Utah Sales Tax line that is provided
    • Missing Tax Identification Number (social security number or federal identification number) for 1099 payments

    Independent Contractor vs Employee status:

    Questions have arisen recently regarding factors to be considered when determining when a person is considered an independent contractor and when he or she should be considered to be an employee. Payments to independent contractors are reported on form 1099. Payments to employees are reported on form W-2.

    The distinction is important because the university is obligated under IRS regulations to withhold payroll taxes from wages paid to employees, and to pay the employer's share of the FICA and other taxes depending on the state where the activity is taking place. In addition there may be legal and other risks associated with employees that are not present for employment of independent contractors.

    The following factors are characteristic of an employee/employer relationship:

    1. A worker is required to comply with others' instructions on when, where, and how to work.
    2. The worker needs to be instructed or trained in his duties.
    3. The worker's services are an integral part of the business operations.
    4. The right to hire, fire, and supervise others on behalf of business.
    5. There is a continuing relationship.
    6. Full time engagement.
    7. All or most of the work is performed on the business premises.
    8. The business furnishes tools and equipment.
    9. The worker has a right to terminate his relationship without liability.

    The following factors are characteristic of an independent contractor relationship:

    1. Investment by the worker in tools and/or facilities.
    2. The ability to realize a profit or loss from the business activity.
    3. Services are available to the general public on a regular and consistent basis.
    4. Working for multiple firms or businesses.

    It should be noted that there are no "magic number" of points that define an employee or an independent contractor. The fact and circumstances of each situation must be analyzed. Depending upon the circumstances, some of the above factors will be more or less relevant in some arrangements than in others.

    • Requisitions used for foreign drafts and wire transfers are first approved in Accounts Payable and then given to Dallin Fredrickson (422-8309) for processing
    • The university does not normally make donations to outside organizations. However, in special situations, an exception may be granted. Colleges or departments wishing to donate university property or cash to outside entities must first obtain approval from the Assistant Administration Vice President, Finance
    • Maintenance agreements being submitted for payment on a Fast Track must be approved by Purchasing
    • Travel Study Fast Tracks, or any travel related requests not referencing a travel application number must be approved by the Travel Office.
    • Legal services or payments made to law firms must be approved by General Counsel