Cash Funds
Research Cash
Research Petty Cash Funds are used to pay research subjects or survey participants in connection with University approved research. To request research cash, please navigate to
Research Cash Fund Policies and Procedures
Research Cash and Gift Card Distribution Form
Change Funds
Change Funds are used for the sole purpose of making change to customers in the normal course of business operations. To open a new change fund, submit a completed Change Fund Application form and follow the procedures below. To request a temporary increase in an existing change fund, email
Change Fund Policies and Procedures
Petty Cash
Petty Cash Funds are primarily used to reimburse individuals for small, incidental, non-travel expenditures. Purchasing cards are the preferred method for covering these incidental expenditures. For this reason, requests for petty cash will only be approved in situations where the purchasing card cannot be used.
Petty Cash Fund Policies and Procedures
Steve Morley
Tammy Miner