Wire Transfers
BYU can make domestic and international electronic payments payable in US Dollars and many foreign currencies. Domestic electronic payments can be sent by next-day ACH (a.k.a. Direct Deposit EFT) or by same-day Fed Wire transfer. BYU also can send a cash payment to many global locations using Western Union/Convera Retail Cash. There is a $10.00 fee charged to the requesting department for same-day domestic Fed Wires and a $15.00 fee for most international wires whether sent in USD or a foreign currency. Fees for Western Union Retail Cash payments vary by amount sent and country of payment. There is no fee to send payments using ACH. Electronic payments to vendors and suppliers will be initiated in Workday using the "Create Supplier Requisition" function.
Required information for next-day ACH payments includes: Exact spelling of the name on the bank account, account number, bank name, and bank ACH routing/ABA number. Departments can also supply this form (https://www.visrm.com/GSRM4/customer_data/byu/2018_Direct_Deposit_form.pdf
Fed Wire
Required information for all Fed Wire payments (either domestic same-day or international) includes: Exact spelling of the name on the bank account, account number, bank name, and bank routing/ABA number for domestic Fed Wires. For international wires or FX payments, required information includes: Exact spelling of the name on the bank account, account number (or IBAN for most European countries and some non-European countries; CLABE for Mexico), bank name, bank SWIFT/BIC code, and bank Sort Code or International Routing Code (depending on the destination country).
For more information on processing a domestic wire transfer please contact Purchasing & Travel department at (801) 422-3872 to create a supplier requisition within Workday.
Western Union/Convera Retail Cash
Required information for Western Union/Convera Retail Cash payments includes: Exact spelling of the name of the person who is to receive the cash payment as it matches exactly on a government issued ID such as a passport and the address of the intended recipient. Once payment is made, Treasury Services will communicate an MTCN (Money Transfer Control Number) to the requesting department who will then have to pass that along to the person in-country so they can obtain the cash at any Western Union retail location in their country.
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Processing Schedule
All electronic payments will now be made using Workday. Please contact the Purchasing & Travel department (801) 422-3872 for help starting a "Create Supplier Requisition" request within Workday. Questions regarding vendor/supplier setup for domestic or international payments can be directed to the Suppliers Desk, who can direct help with the appropriate tool/process within Workday. Please email suppliers@byu.edu