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Investment Management

The BYU Treasury Office manages investments for a wide variety of campus interests including endowments, loans, gifts, long term projects and other designated activities. All investments consist of shares in the BYU Investment Pool which is invested in a mix of Equity & Fixed Income investments. The BYU Investment Pool is managed by investment managers at Church Headquarters and a number of large institutional investment managers. Performance of the pool is tracked in the Monthly Investment Performance Chart which can be accessed in the Documents section of this Page.

Purchasing/Selling Investments - Investments can be bought and sold effective the 1st of each month, using the Investment Pool Capital Addition or Withdrawal Form which can be found in the Documents Section of this page. To assure timely buy/sell transactions please deliver this form to David Paul by the 28th of the month.

Investment Restrictions for Funds 19, 23, 31, and 51 - In an effort to encourage more effective utilization of funds 19, 23, 31, and 51 for their intended use, no portion of these funds will be invested in the Investment Pool. Until these funds are spent, they will remain invested in claim on cash and continue to earn the claim on cash interest rate.

Exceptions to this investment restriction require approval from Regulatory Accounting. For example, 19, 23, or 51 funds being raised over a long period of time for a specific purpose, and that will be spent for that purpose when the fundraising goal has been achieved, may qualify as an exception. It is important to note when an exception is granted, no disbursements may be made from the fund until the specific goal has been achieved.

Colleges and departments may convert funds 19, 23, and 51 to quasi endowments that can be invested in the Investment Pool. Because it is the administration's position that quasi endowments rarely transfer back to unendowed funds, this option should only be considered if the transfer is intended to be permanent. Colleges and departments may also choose to reinvest surplus fund 31 amounts back to principal.

Claim on Cash Interest - Most Operating Units, except those in Fund 11, earn interest on balances in their claim-on-cash account. To check the current claim on cash interest rate see the Claim on Cash Rate Report.


David Paul


Claim on Cash Interest
Investment Restrictions for Funds 19, 23, 31, and 51
Instructions for Completing the BYU Investment Pool Capital Addition or Withdrawal On-line Form
Investment Pool Capital Addition or Withdrawal Form
Monthly Investment Performance Chart