When And How Many Hours Can I Work Skip to main content

When And How Many Hours Can I Work

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US Citizen Students

During the Fall and Winter semesters, undergraduate students are limited to working 20 hours per week, with contingency departments allowed up to 25 hours per week. However, in the Spring and Summer terms, undergraduates may exceed the twenty-hour limit if their department approves. It's important to note that undergraduates must not exceed 40 hours per week unless their department explicitly permits it.

For graduate students, they are permitted to work up to 28 hours per week throughout the entire year. Once they commit to this limit, they cannot exceed 28 hours per week, even during the Spring and Summer terms.

International Students

International students should carefully monitor their weekly work hours to ensure they do not exceed 20 hours per week. It is very important to note that working more than 20 hours per week would violate their legal status, leading to their loss of the right to work in the United States. However, if they are on a vacation approved by the International Student Services office, International Students may work above the 20 hour limit (all students should check with their department when increasing their work hours).

Concurrent Jobs

Student employees may work concurrent jobs during Fall and Winter semesters provided their work hours remain within the allotted hours listed above and permission has been granted by each of the student’s employers (via the Electronic Personnel Action Form). Students may not be employed on more than three hourly student employment positions at one time.

Holidays and Breaks

During holidays and school breaks, all student employees may work more than 20 hours per week. Refer to the Holiday/Break Schedule for more information. When International Students are on an International Student Services approved vacation, they can exceed 20 hours per week even when school is in session.

Affordable Care Act

Based on the Affordable Care Act regulations, all students must maintain a weekly average of 28.0 hours or less for the year. Student hours can be monitored by reviewing the ACA Report by Employee. If a student exceeds the 28.0-hour weekly average, the department may incur a significant penalty.