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Supervisor Time Approval

University policy requires the approval of all time worked by staff and student employees by an appropriate supervisor. The department time approval tracking process will be through an electronic system. It will first be necessary to assign a supervisor within the Human Resources’ eForm system for each full- and part-time staff and student employee. (For other Human Resources purposes, the direct supervisor of administrative employees will also be recorded in eForm.)

Determining Work Supervisor

Work supervisors (supervisors) may be faculty, administrative, full- or part-time staff or student employees. Supervisors should be knowledgeable of their employees’ work activities and work product in order to approve recorded time; it is not required that they physically monitor the in/out times of their employees. Supervisors may seek additional information from others but remain responsible to review and approve reported time.

Approval Process Overview

The supervisor time approval process will include the following basic steps:

  1. After the payroll has been processed and paid for a pay period, an email will notify the supervisor that it is now time to review reported time. Clicking a link within the email will allow the supervisor to enter his/her myBYU ID and password and be taken to an approval page.
  2. Hours reported by full- or part-time staff and student employees through the Y-Time timekeeping system will be displayed for each day and in total for the pay period. If the reported hours do not appear to be correct, the work supervisor should note that concern and mark the “Needs Review” box for that employee. When the review is complete for all assigned employees, the approving supervisor will click the “Submit and Save” button.
  3. Y-Time Managers will help resolve supervisors’ concerns through discussion with employees and supervisors.


Supervisor Time Approval and FAQ