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Peoplesoft information (not current)


The Department chartfield is a reporting attribute assigned to Operating Units identifying its college/division or department area. Department codes help group and summarize financial data on the monthly college/division summary reports for dean/director and controller review, and the monthly financial management report for the President’s Council.

Department codes are four numeric characters in length and are organized in a hierarchical order to represent the University’s organizational structure. The Human Resource/Payroll system uses the same Department chartfield values and organization structure. A high level view of the “Department” tree appears as follows:


Sub-nodes or departments exist for each node on the tree that has a “+” sign in the folder next to the department code and description. Due to size, it was not practical to show the fully expended tree in this document. However, Controllers and many business managers have been given read only access to view the “Department” tree in the PeopleSoft Financials system (navigation: Tree Manager > Tree Viewer > search by Tree Name: Department). A version of the Department tree can also be obtained from Business Objects by running the following query (Financial System Information > Chartfield Lists):

Department Tree with Operating Unit and Employee

Business Object tree queries have the option of viewing Operating Units attached to Department tree nodes – see “with Operating Unit” tab at the bottom of the query page results